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Memories From Books on Booklikes

Always a reader. Writing to remember and to share my thoughts on the books I read.

I Was Anastasia

I Was Anastasia: A Novel - Ariel Lawhon

Perhaps, the fault lies with me, and I am simply not the reader for I Was Anastasia by Ariel Lawhon because I know the history of Anastasia and Anna Anderson. I would love to hear the perspective of a reader not familiar with the history. Knowing a history does not make reading a story of that history any less engaging or entertaining. For me unfortunately, the circular structure of the book and its billing as a “historical suspense” make it not the book for me. 


Reviewed for NetGalley

Source: http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2018/09/i-was-anastasia.htmlwww.memoriesfrombooks.com/2018/09/i-was-anastasia.html