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Memories From Books on Booklikes

Always a reader. Writing to remember and to share my thoughts on the books I read.

Juliet's Answer

Juliet's Answer: One Man's Search for Love and the Elusive Cure for Heartbreak - Glenn Dixon

I look at Juliet's Answer: One Man's Search for Love and the Elusive Cure for Heartbreak by Glenn Dixon as two separate books. One is a personal journey. The other is a history of a place and an organization. While the personal story of this book is not for me, the legend of Casa di Giuletta and the history of the secretaries of Juliet is fascinating. It makes me want to visit Verona and the Casa di Giuletta and perhaps write my very own letter to Juliet.


Read my complete review at Memories From Books - Juliet's Answer


Reviewed for NetGalley


Source: http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2017/02/juliets-answer.html