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Memories From Books on Booklikes

Always a reader. Writing to remember and to share my thoughts on the books I read.

Shadows Over Paradise

Shadows Over Paradise - Isabel Wolff

Shadows Over Paradise (also previously released as Ghostwritten) by Isabel Wolff is the story of two women, who have both endured heartbreaking loss in their life and who both feel the responsibility of that loss. Klara's story is so much stronger that Jenni's is overshadowed in comparison. The book connects too many of the dots of comparison, leaving Klara's as the more memorable story.


Read my complete review at: http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2015/03/shadows-over-paradise.html


Reviewed for LibraryThing Early Reviewers program


Source: http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2015/03/shadows-over-paradise.html